ZingPlay Juegos de Cartas

by VNG ZingPlay Studio



ZingPlay is the first multiplayer online games portal in Mexico that has well-known card games in Mexico such as:💥 Conquián: (Conquien, Konkian, Conkian) ´´national game´´ known to all Mexicans since childhood💥 The Widow: Game with hierarchy of hands like POKER, easy to play, easy to win💥 Siete y Media: (Siete y Medio) Mexican version of the famous game BLACKJACK o 21💥 Basket: Traditional game of family reunions now online and free💥 Broom: Sweep away your boredom by forming a combination with a value of 15 points, great fun.And soon Punished Donkey, Briscola and many more.You can also play board games like:💥 World Tourist: Mobile version with many famous people who accompany you💥 Ludo: Roll dice and guide your horses to the finish line💥 Billiards: Raise your level and experience a unique collection of bats that do not fail even once ALL THAT IN ONE PLACE! With ZingPlay, you can play all your favorite games mentioned above, from card games to board games totally FREE < / b> and live an exquisite experience:👉 Download all for free👉 Play 100% online with real people in various modes.👉 Amazing graphics: 2D and 3D👉 Make friends easy and interact with them as if you are playing in person👉 Rewards every day👉 Many events with wonderful prizesWhat else are you waiting for? Download ZingPlay now and enjoy the best experience!Zingplay: the portal of the best online mobile gamesCard gameMultiplayer online game